The Pastoral Leadership Program is a new pastors-training program led by Rev. Hans Sundberg where pastors and leaders in Nepal and India during a three-year period will go through an extended bible-training program for deepened theological studies and reflection.
The training program comes at a very crucial time – a kairos time, a truly God-appointed time. There is an incredible need for teaching and training leaders in this great move of God and we must fuel the fire so the work can continue to grow. We need to raise up workers for the Kingdom so that the harvest will not be lost. Our brothers and sisters have been praying for this Bible training for many years and finally we are able to start it, and it truly comes at a perfect time.
Rev. Dr. Hans Sundberg
Hans Sundberg is the program’s coordinator and the vision bearer for the Pastoral Leadership Program.
Hans Sundberg, pastor, Theol. Doct.
In only a few decades the Lord has brought forth a New Testament church in Nepal!
From literally no Christians up till nearly two millions today. This gigantic change has happened in less then fifty-sixty years. The Holy Spirit has brought people to Jesus and what they have seen in Him has changed their lives. Especially has the numbers increased the last ten years.
Now you can contribute to a deepening in the churches lives, through the project Pastoral Leadership Program which will bring a deeper first hand knowledge of the Word of God to hundreds of communities of faiths. These churches wants to be salt and light in their society. This, at the same time as the churches continues to send out people to plant new churches by winning new converts.
We join hands with pastors focused on church planting in Nepal and with church planting movements in Odisha, India with a combined network of around 500 churches.
The teaching will focus on the whole Bible book by book. In this in-depth teaching we will also look at the major theme in Scripture:” the Kingdom of God”, as well as ethical and systematic questions.
The teaching will be based on lectures. We have written, to each session, a material in English. This has been translated into Nepali. It has been printed and given each participant. During this process we also focus on introducing group-discussions. We also reflect in this groups over the meaning and implications the Scriptures we study will have in the communities of faith and their context.
Our estimate is that we will reach in between 100.000-200.000 Christians, directly through this teaching and training.
Financially our needs are approximately 4000 US dollars per month. We ask you to consider partnering with us for a three years period and give to PTP on a monthly base.
You can for instance support three pastors by paying 16 US dollars over month for three years.
Of course, you are more than welcome to give more
And, maybe, most important why not join us on a industry trip to Nepal yourself? It will surely change your life.