New graduates from HBTC, Kathmandu

By December 13, 2012 News No Comments

Seventh batch students graduate from Hosanna Bible Training Centre

Since we established Hosanna Bible Training Centre (HBTC) in 2009, we have seen around 300 students graduate from the training program and about 95% of them are simultaneously handling their full time ministry and their own business.

The latest graduation was held on 11th December, 2012 in HCM church Hall. Altogether, 200 participants were present in the ceremony. The students and the participants were encouraged by the Word of God by Mr. Lazrus Thulung, Pastor of “Jyoti Great Commission Church”, Co-ordinator of “Serve Life Himalayan” and a renowned Christian writer of the country. To distribute the certificate, Mr. L.P Neupane stood as the chief guest of the program. He is the pastor of a satellite church of the biggest and the oldest church of Nepal as well as National Director of Global Action Nepal.

In the ceremony, other respected pastors and leaders in the country were also present to bless and congratulate the students. The former parliament member, Mr. Binod Pahadi, also congratulated the students for faithfully devoting their time and for being patient during their training period.



The seventh batch of students have completed the training program